1977 - 1981 I drove taxi for Suburban Yellow, which had the glorious Checker cabs (think Taxi sitcom TV show with Judd Hirsch, Danny Devito, Christopher Lloyd, Andy Kaufman, Marilu Henner, omg what a cast) when I was putting myself through college at the U of MN. Suburban Yellow had contracts with the hotels along the 494 corridor between the airport and west to Radisson South. It also contracted with the airport to deliver lost luggage. Occasionally, when I was waiting at the Radisson South or nearby Sofitel cab stand, I would get a call from dispatch to pick up someone from Southdale mall. Sorry I don’t have an interesting story about one of these taxi adventures. Your post about Southdale reminded me about an earlier, almost forgotten, life.

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Rev. Angela Denker

Wow, talk a blast from the past! In the early to mid 70’s my parents and I would make semi-regular trips to Southdale and sometimes to Galleria... even back then there was a stark difference between the two malls... and yes, it was very homogeneous back then. I hadn’t thought about those two malls in decades! Thanks for the trip down memory lane and the reminder that we have a long way to go not only in my home state of Minnesota but across this country...

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