Thank you for your commitment to telling the truth. I've been thinking about that a lot these last few days. We want to believe people are always going to turn to their better angels but they don't. I'm not angry right now as much as I am sad. Looking forward to hearing your sermon.

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Pastor Denker, this is stunning and bracing. Thank you for your intense honesty and thoughtful, wide ranging assessments. For the moment I’ll leave aside your strong views about Ds in general and the campaign they just waged — about which I’m less qualified to comment as a former, lifelong R until sweet, sweet ‘16. Suffice to say overall, to my still somewhat rightwing-addled mind, I found both Harris & Walz beyond delightful, infectiously joyful, totally qualified, presenting worthy & sound ideas to forge a new way forward, and above all, expressed and exhibited values I share.

But the part I most wanted to comment and thank you for is your section *for* women. Somehow you managed in minimal words to express my deep fears and all my accumulated (but suppressed) observations. Well they’re all out on the table now. First time in my life, I’m afraid and I mean very uneasy just walking around. I cannot handle one more encounter with a painted-on cheerful faced neighbor, only to see a pair of cold dead eyes letting me know they fully approve “the way things are and the way they’re going to stay, whether you Iike it or not.” The females of this variety scare me most, as they are usually more forthcoming and verbal. The men as you mentioned, are very casual and secure in their total dominance. My own brother is exactly one of these types and now I have to acknowledge he/they were correct and I was delusional.

I have no idea where decent folk go from here except further within, slimmer in profile and even less trusting and less sociable. I’m very anxious to read your book and I’ve pre-ordered. Your topic now seems incredibly prescient and helpful. I imagine I’ll be spending more & more time alone, reading to learn and try to understand what has happened to us and how it happened, but just as important, to be reminded that I’m not really alone on this earth. Connecting to kindred spirits through sane, rational words is my lifeline. I’m very grateful to have found you.

Back to the discussion about D world.

Again, I’m unburdened with longterm knowledge of D-Party mechanics and intramural debates. But your comments about Biden’s behavior and lack of foresight & attention to the gravest and most urgent matter of Election 2024 were persuasive. It hurts to say this because I remain eternally grateful to the man for stepping into the breach in 2020 and buying us a brief respite from complete darkness—with great competence. Flawed, to be sure, but never malign.

Acknowledging that my views may be skewed by a lifetime dearth of empathy and knowledge of true American history, the words, tenor & staging of this campaign felt completely appealing and plainly the only choice. More than that, a *wonderful* choice that made me think: how did we get so lucky to find two people so perfectly poised to meet the moment. Yes, I drank the KamalAid. Thirstily and with confidence she’d easily win, so manifestly obvious was the chasm between candidates! I don’t at all regret those 100+ days of blissful ignorance, possibly denial, though the fall has been traumatic. But it was coming anyway—without a doubt, in retrospect.

Many thanks and please keep on writing. We’re going to watch your sermon this Sunday.

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Thank you for putting into words my inarticulate groans. I'm praying that the Spirit continues to strengthen you now, as you preach, and onward.

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