At the beginning of summer our pastor sent out an email inviting us to submit questions we would like addressed in a sermon. I responded immediately asking him to address Christian Nationalism. Last Sunday he complied. He started the sermon with a history of the rise of Naziism in 1930's Germany, and the compliance of Lutheran pastors to the elevation of Hitler. He then brought it into today and called Christian Nationalism and its support of Trump what I think it is--idolatry, not Christianity. While he joked in the beginning of the sermon that some might run for the doors, I'm glad to say jot only did no one leave, he received much positive feedback during coffee hour. I pray that more pastors will speak out from the pulpit decrying Christian Nationalism.

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Glad to hear this, Jan!

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Thank you for your honest sharing of your own experiences and struggles around these issues. The phrase knock the dust off of your sandals has played an intriguing role in my own experiences of walking away from toxic churches where I had been installed as pastor and, now that I think about it, that is what I did when I retired from the military instead of seeking what some said was a guaranteed promotion. While I am hopeful with the change in the Democratic ticket, the ugly reality of lower case “c” christians and the continuing rise of White Christian Nationalism in this country gives me great cause for concern (mild understatement? 🙄). I truly appreciate your voice and your work in making a difference both in the church and outside of the church! Keep on speaking and writing and know you are supported and are encouragement to many.

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🙏🏻🙏🏻 as are you! Thank you.

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